Sunday, September 13, 2009

Kanye West's 2009 VMA outbust plasters the web in seconds

From Facebook statuses, YouTube, Perez Hilton's Blog,, and E!Online the news of Kanye West's outburst at the 2009 Music Video Awards plastered the internet. Within minutes of "the incident" in which Taylor Swift, winner of the best female music video for 2009 is delivering her acceptance speech fellow musician Kanye West storms the stage taking the microphone from her hand to divulge his opinion that singer Beyonce has "had one of the best videos of all time". This outburst leaves Taylor Swift speechless as ragging fans and fellow peers encouragingly applaud Swift's efforts.

I would have not even known of this event until tomorrow morning, as the cable in my apartment has been down all day. But with the internet, and our generation's equivalent of word of mouth, engines such as Twitter and Facebook, I knew within seconds of the fiasco that "
KANYE WEST RAN ON STAGE AND TOOK THE MIC FROM TAYLOR SWIFT WHILE SHE ACCEPTED HER AWARD AND TOLD EVERYONE THAT BEYONCE DESERVED IT. Now you know." thanks to an informative Facebook status update. Within minutes I was able to watch the video on YouTube and 30 minutes later I had multiple videos to choose from and commentary from 213 people nationwide of their views on the story via

Similarly to stories that would have not made top headlines or media frenzies in the past due to distance across continents or small town victories, live performances such as the VMAs would not have been able to be posted instantaneously without the use of technologies such as TiVo, camera phones, and numerous electronic devices that shape our world today. It is only rational that such technologies are being used to facilitate the efficiency and effectiveness of multi-channel distribution of media to the masses. We want things done fast, done right, and as cheaply as possible; and as long as there are means to facilitate these desires there will be consumers.

To read the MTV article and watch video click here:

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